
Programming is a weird kind of beast — what you create isn’t what other people will see, they will only see the results of what you’ve created, is doing

And your customers or your bosses won’t care much about what you’ve created, how it really looks, as long as it does the right thing, and does it within a reasonable amount of time.

However, other programmers, including your future self, DO care about the code itself, the thing you’ve created — because you are probably going to come back to it in the future, to add to it, to change it.

And that means that code is also about communication — your code needs to communicate with other programmers, including your future self, its ideas and intentions, in a clear and distinct way.

And just as programming is a different kind of beast than most any other endeavour, this is a different kind of course.

Most programming courses starts with theory, with construct, and slowly builds towards an understanding that eventually will enable you to create something in the real world.

To me, that is like teaching someone how to build a car — how all the parts of the engine works, how to create your own transmission system, how to build the chassis, and so on, before you are willing to teach them how to drive.

In this course, I’ll teach you how to drive first. And once you’ve mastered the basics of driving, you might notice you’re starting to get curious about how things actually work. And when you start having those questions, when you start feeling that curiosity, that’s the right time to introduce you to the concepts and theory.

We’ll do it leisurely. We won’t rush. That way, we’ll finish quicker. Yes. We’ll go slow in order to be able to move quickly. If you rush it, if you’re in a hurry, you’ll miss crucial distinctions and you’ll make subtle mistakes that will take you a long time to debug — that is, to find and and fix your mistakes.

(Debugging is about you, not the code.)

(Keeping fun in the house.)