Gi dem noe å leve opp til

You’re the kind of person who takes this seriously. Secret #x: For those who are serious about becoming a programmer

Det er farlig å være oveflødig

The new way of learning programming (concrete to abstract, not the other way around)


I salgsmateriale: the case against Java: In the course, we’ll even cover the few times you might not want to consider Java

Kapitler med spørsmåls-titler

Hvorfor lære seg å programmere

Etterspørselen bare øker
Skaff tall
Gamle jobber forsvinner
Vi automatiserer
Surf bølgen ikke bli knust av den
Hva om jeg lærer feil språk?
Hva om jeg ikke er lur nok?
Er jeg for gammel?
Det er så mange verktøy og språk og teknologier, hvor skal jeg starte? Hva om jeg lærer feil?
Tar det alt for lang tid?
Jeg har hørt at Java er gammelt
velg kjedelige teknologier
Har bevist sin evne til å vare
Mange eksisterende systemer
Ingen har fått sparken for å velge Java
Battle proven / hardened


3 problems it solves

Getting customers consistently

Don’t need to be very technical Don’t need to start from scratch figuring it all out — it is done for you (structure, not content) — the structure sells

Power phrase: the only Benefit phrase: eat your favourite foods Enabler phrase: and still lose weight

Prime benefit: help more people

Story Selling

If I can make them believe that (my new opportunity) is the key to (what they desire most) and is only attainable through (my specific vehicle) then all other objections and concerns become irrelevant and they have to give me money.
