Notater: Tilbudet (The Offer)

2 Packaging up an irresistible offer

Irresistible Offer If I can make people believe that #1_ is the key to #2_ and is only attainable through #3, then all other objections will become irrelevant, and they have to give me money.

#1 is the new opportunity. #2 is the ONE thing they want. #3 is your offer.

#3 is the easiest to fill in because it’s your offer (and we’ll fill it in at the bottom of this lesson).

#2 is usually pretty easy to solve since most humans want the same things (not necessarily in that order).

  • Money

  • Power

  • Success

  • Love

  • Validation

  • Meaning

  • Safety

  • Pleasure

You may have to make it specific to your niche, but it probably relates to one of the above.

#1 is the hardest. What is the new opportunity? For Russell, it was Sales Funnels. For someone teaching on marriage, the new opportunity might be The Five Love Languages (the guy who thought that up created a new opportunity. A new vehicle in which to understand relationships).

#1 is where you have to figure out what new opportunity, system, bootcamp, way of looking at things, that is your new opportunity for your customer

If I can make people believe that The I.F.L.-method (Instant Feedback Loop) is the key to money, power, success, meaning, love, validation, safety, pleasure through programming, and is only attainable through The Teknomade Master Class, then all other objections will become irrelevant and they have to give me money.


If I can make people believe that The I.F.L.-method (Instant Feedback Loop) is the key to learning programming, and is only attainable through The Teknomade Master Class, then all other objections will become irrelevant and they have to give me money.

#3 Create The Offer

Go crazy! Tenk på alt! Hva vil få Jacob Designeren til å bli yr av glede?

  • Lag din egen website med Java - dette er starten på din egen membership site, eller SaaS

  • få det på nett, med eget domenenavn og greier

  • verktøy: Først noe enkelt som Sublime? Senere introdusere IntelliJ CE

  • ta betalt med websiden din (Stripe)

  • lage bruker-innlogging (skrive disse til database?, cloud?, inMemory)

  • rammeverk for front-end, styling?

  • spring boot?

  • updates - as the technology changes

  • installere jdk

  • installere verktøy

  • raskt opp og gå

  • variabler, datatyper, operatorer

  • looper, if-else

  • klasser, objekt-orientering: arv, enkapsulering

  • Arrays, collections

  • spring boot

  • git

  • gradle eller maven

  • Slack comunity

Requirements: A computer with either Windows, Mac or Linux to install all the free software and tools needed to build your new apps (I provide specific videos on installations for each platform). A strong work ethic, willingness to learn, and plenty of excitement about the awesome new programs you’re about to build. Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your hunger to get started today. -Tim Buchalka

Du lærer underveis mens du lager noe, der hva vi lærer er drevet av behovet der og da.

Du lærer matnyttig kunnskap, "marketable skills", som proffene bruker .. byggeverktøy, maven .. …​ ikke bare å lage noe, men getting it out there.

Forklaringer underveis: analogier. It’s kind-of-like…​

Kategoriser bitene slik:

  • Foundational (necessary)

    • tools:

      • installere jdk $

      • spring boot $$

      • verktøy: Først noe enkelt som Sublime? Senere introdusere IntelliJ CE $$

    • Lag din egen website med Java - dette er starten på din egen membership site, eller SaaS

    • rammeverk for front-end, styling? $$

    • variabler, datatyper, operatorer $

    • looper, if-else $

    • klasser, objekt-orientering: arv, enkapsulering $

    • Arrays, collections $

    • Slack community

    • Certificate of completion

  • Prequel (would be helpful at the beginning)

  • Bonuses (would be awesome but not necessary)

    • ta betalt med websiden din (Stripe)

    • lage bruker-innlogging (skrive disse til database?, cloud?, inMemory) $$$

  • VIP (would be for the select few who have $$$)

    • updates - as the technology changes $$$

    • få det på nett, med eget domenenavn og greier

#4 Determine Value

Sett $ ved bitene, flere $ for mer verdi.

#5 Pick out the part you think your customer would want the most

This is the bait. The tantalizing piece of awesomeness. Customer will be seduced by this.

  • A website you programmed with its own domain name, up and running? — for ONE YEAR

#6 Collect Your Offer Assets

  • Names (to the offer, the modules, the bonuses)

(Underground), Expert, Academic, Certified, Systematic, Logical, Powerful System, Masterclass, Workshop, Program, Course (Posse, Clan)

The Underground Java Programmer’s Playbook Java Programming Masterclass

The programming AND the tools and tricks of the trade - stack overflow

I want them to become independent

  • Branding

  • Photos

  • Outlines

When you have the name for the primary part of the offer, buy the domain.

Collect branding assets

  • Logos for the products or courses

  • A color palette

  • Standard typography


For product.

Mål: Vi skal lage en enkel medlemskaps-site med innlogging, Stripe-integrering, database, og front-end, og deploye den online

Part 1: Hitting the Ground Running / Kickstart (Init)

  • Downloading tools - IntelliJ, git

  • Setup with Spring boot — clone from git! give them something that will immediately run

  • Look at the structure - folders, files, maven pom

  • Your first web page, controlled by Java

Part 2: Creating users and persisting in a database

Part 3: REST and JSON - input and output

  • Tool: Postman

  • Prepare for Stripe integration

  • Security:

    • Basic Auth ←- only use with https, simplest but so secure Sbanken use it for API

    • Mistake: Security by obscurity - don’t think your url is secret

    • Storing passwords or b64encoded passwords — hash them! (one way)

Part 4: Frontend

  • Twitter Bootstrap?

  • User log-in - security

  • Timed delivery of content

Part 5: Gettin' the money (Stripe integration)

  • Sign up with Stripe

  • Get your api key

  • add dependency to pom

  • stripe cli?

  • write the integration - what’s supposed to happen when someone buys or cancels?

  • test it with the cli

  • how do we need to update the data model? do it. make calls from Stripe have real consequences.

Part 6: Getting it online (Deploy)

  • this is the juicy part — here is where you actually get it online, and refund period is over

We’ll be hitting on these crucial concepts:

  • Java fundamentals

  • Web Applications

  • Source repository / Version control

  • IDE (IntelliJ IDEA)

  • Spring Boot

  • Security (https / user login / GDPR)

  • Architecture: Front end / back end

  • Creating the front end

  • Database design

  • Database implementation, MySQL

  • Code Project management with Maven

  • Agile Project Management with Trello

  • APIs / Integrations (Spring)

  • HTML & CSS

  • Automated testing