Photo by Carles Rabada on Unsplash
Thick App Clients Will Hurt You
Let’s imagine a simplified, yet very normal scenario.
You’re in the accounting business and you’re automating to stay alive, and you’ve created a product: A great new app for your customers to calculate taxes.
Now, as per usual, the app doesn’t stand alone. It merely serves as a user interface. To make the actual calculations, it sends the data to your server, a so-called "backend server".
A backend server, then, is simply a computer somewhere, running some code you’ve had created, and it knows how to talk to the app you’ve created.
Here’s the important thing to notice:
The code on the backend server encapsulates your "business logic" — the rules that apply to your application:
Your backend server knows the different tax rates for classes of goods and services, it has these stored in a database, and it has some functions to calculate the correct taxes, given the classes of products, prices, quantities.
To recap, the app, also known as the client, exposes a "user interface", allowing your user to interact with the backend.
Your user interface consists of input fields, buttons and the like, allowing the customer to choose between classes of products, enter prices and quantities and such.
Then, when the user has chosen a service, and entered the necessary data into the client, the data is sent to the backend server for calculation, and the answer is returned to the client, which displays it to the user.
The client doesn’t have to be an app. You could have a web page expose the functionality to the user. It could also take the form of a desktop program installed on the user’s Mac or PC. Or you could do all of those things, all clients talking to the same backend server.
Let’s just stick with the app for now.
Because your app is heading into rough waters.
Your app is very popular and soon you have thousands of users
The users love using your app, and they bombard your server with data, expecting it to very quickly calculate the correct answer and return it to them.
The server is strained under all the pressure, and becomes painfully slow.
Users complain. Stupid app. You start getting refund requests.
Now what do you do?
All the things you could do
There’s a multitude of things you could do:
Upgrade the computer with more memory, faster CPUs
Duplicate the server you’ve got, and put a load balancer in front of the two machines, to distribute the load
Put the database on a separate server
Now I’m not suggesting any of those are a good place to start, they are simply some of the options in the big ocean of options before you.
Pop quiz: What do these solutions have in common?
Answer: they involve throwing more hardware on the problem, hoping it will go away.
Why that might not be a well thought-through strategy is a good topic for another piece, today suffice it to say: they all involve your company spending more money on hardware, and except with the first option, they all involve adding complexity.
Adding this complexity makes new deployments harder and more error prone, new problems harder to debug, et cetera. Adding complexity is always costly.
Think hard on it before adding complexity.
So one bright head suddenly goes ping! — light bulb moment:
"Our user’s have machines in their hands vastly more powerful than what is needed to do the calculations we do. Why can’t we just move the logic to the clients — problem solved. No need for costly and complex upgrades on our side."
Here we go again
Now, the pendulum is always swinging between the consideration of "how much computation should be done on the client"?
To understand what’s going on here, we need to take a step back and look at at history.
Historically, there were a very few, very expensive computers that could do the calculations, and the user typically only had access to a "dumb" terminal, a command line interface to the backend server — basically: a screen and a keyboard.
Thus, the user would type in commands on the dumb terminal, which would send the command to the server, which would do the calculations and return them to the terminal, to display to the user.
As we entered the modern computing area, all of a sudden everyone and their uncle had a computer on their desks, a real computer with a lot more computing power than the mission computer aboard the Apollo 11.
And so, because the act of computing is energy-demanding and takes time, it made sense to distribute the logic to the clients.
The thinking goes like this: We create the software, and we know the rules of calculation, so the calculations are going to be correct no matter which computer does the calculating.
Our customers have computers, and they are already downloading the client anyway.
So instead of us having to do all the calculations for all our customers on one super-duper expensive machine, or a cluster of such super-duper expensive machines, let the user’s computers do the job.
Now, there is nothing essential wrong with this view, and to make the idea even more tempting …
Updating Client Software In The Era Of A Two-Platform App Ecosystem Isn’t All That Bad
We live in an era where two players dominate the clients: The Apple App Store and Google’s Play Store is how most of us distribute clients to our customers.
Aside from the fact that this is a vulnerable position for the rest of us to be in — we can lose half our customer base when one of them decided to change the rules of the game — it does offer a lot when it comes to making it easy to distribute updates to your users.
Many users simply have automatic updating turned on. You simply push a button, and within a few days, most users have the updated version.
However …
You still will have those users who don’t update
Users who don’t allow automatic updates.
And who don’t update manually.
Users who’s phones are too old to work with your latest updates.
If your business logic resides client-side, you’ve now left those customers behind.
On Thick Clients, Changes To The Calculations Are Hard To Make
If, for example, the government imposes new laws, with new tax regulations, all the users need to update their software.
If they don’t, their tax calculations will be wrong.
As per usual, you get the blame:
Stupid app.
On Thick Clients, You Lose Visibility
When calculation requests are always sent to the server, you get the ability to analyze usage of your app. You get to analyze what is used, how often it is used, when it is used, how it is used, and by whom it is used.
If you let the client do everything, you lose that. You lose all the important metrics that could help you improve your app over time.
On Thick Clients, Critical Bugs Have More Places To Hide
When business logic resides server-side, you have complete control and intimate knowledge of the hardware that runs your software.
Your programmers know the hardware. They’ve debugged it before. They’ve instrumented it so they can keep a track on memory-usage, hard-drive usage, CPU usage.
They probably have an alarm system in place, to notify someone if the hardware starts to struggle.
Your customer’s phones, on the other hand, constitute a plethora of hardware configurations and operating systems, you could not possibly know them all.
That’s one of the reasons critical bugs appear in clients at all — there’s simply too many configurations for you to able to test them all.
On Thick Clients, Critical bugs will take longer to fix
No matter how well you test your apps before shipping, critical bugs will slip through.
It’s just a matter of time, it’s a fact of life, and you should plan for it.
If you have hundreds of thousands of users, a bug that only affects 1% of them can cause you a lot of grief.
The fact that it only affects 1% should also worry you.
That means it isn’t a simple bug in the programming itself, but is rather caused by a combination of variables you don’t control.
If that bug is caused by some configuration of the customer’s hardware, the customer’s operating system, and the newest version of your software, you’ve just created a situation guaranteed to cause premature graying of developer hair.
And, once the sinner is finally isolated and dealt with, complaints will still come rolling in as you wait for Apple to review your app again, then for customers' apps to update, again.
Conclusion: Keep business logic server side
No matter how tempting it is to lay the burden of computing on the customer, you should have very specific and well thought-through reasons for doing so.
You should make certain the benefits outweigh the costs. Because the costs are probably huge.
Keeping the business logic server-side, and creating as thin as possible clients as possible, will make it a lot easier for you to upgrade logic and fix bugs, for everyone, quickly.
So what should you do when the server gets too much heat …?
That’s a great topic for another post …
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